Hi there, I’m Sheena.

I am a veteran of the creative industry who grew up in an agency world, where I found my niche as a production and operational orchestrator


I’m kind of fun.

My approach…

I am proud to say…

I have worked on a massively diverse group of brands ranging from household names to family-owned small businesses.

In my versatile 10+ years of experience I have rooted myself in finding the “tick” in every client and challenge that helps unlock creative potential.

I believe…

In creating environments where big ideas can grow massive, where the seemingly small updates grow excitement and revenue and I believe in embracing the evolving landscape of technology to make a better world. 

A Few of the Brands I’ve Touched…

Here’s what I offer.

  • Not every problem needs a complicated fix, and not every solution has to come from a single place. I'm great at breaking down tough issues and creating a team atmosphere where different viewpoints can come together to find effective solution

  • I see team members not just as resources, but as unique individuals. This shift in perspective has always boosted team happiness and helped us stick to budgets that match our strategic goals.

  • As a compassionate leader who prioritizes meaningful relationships, I have cultivated teams known for their unwavering loyalty. While supervising both a core production team and a crucial Google account, my team achieved the company's lowest turnover rate. Former team members have departed only to return, attributing their comeback to my guidance and mentorship.

  • I use detailed analysis of our team's workload and future projections to foresee challenges and find ways to make operations smoother. By tackling issues early on, we can better allocate our teams and improve cost-effectiveness.

  • By diving into current processes and really looking at how well they work, I shake up the usual ways to keep getting better. With a mix of curiosity and creativity, I bring new angles that make real improvements, like fine-tuning meetings or setting up tools for future growth.

It isn’t enough to say you have empathy, but to truly practice this means putting the people and the problems before my own opinions. Approaching with empathy drives an  understanding of another's perspective, challenges my own biases and allows me to offer my mentorship and guidance appropriately to the individual

My Core Tenets…


I believe we truly learn something new every day and it’s something I seek out. This is a multi-layered world where lack of curiosity will breed mediocrity if we let it.  I will always ask “Why?” and rarely be satisfied with “Because it just is.”


To come to a feasible solution, I believe in not assuming or having an agenda or assumptions of the outcome or the individuals involved. Approaching without an agenda creates clarity and connection to what the real problem is to solve.



I have found over the years that often our over-thinking, over-processing and over-guidelining creates murk. We don’t like murk. I believe in being concise and not trying to boil the ocean– but by breaking down the requirements and desired outcomes we can support teams do their best work.